Ken-David Masur Conducts
This concert features two great works by Mozart, as well as Dvorak's Symphony No. 6, distinguished for its rich melodies, lively rhythms and a full, colorful orchestral sound.
Friday, Apr 25 | 7:30 PM
Saturday, Apr 26 | 7:30 PM
Program Info
WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART: Symphony No. 35, "Haffner"
WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART: Violin Concerto No. 3 in G Major
ANTONIN DVORAK: Symphony No. 6 in D Major
Omaha welcomes back long-time friend and Milwaukee Symphony’s Music Director Ken-David Masur, leading the Symphony in warhorses of the repertoire. This concert features two great works by Mozart, as well as Dvorak's Symphony No. 6, distinguished for its rich melodies, lively rhythms and a full, colorful orchestral sound.